A side view of a group of people sit in a theater staring at a screen

In Theaters, On TV & Streaming
April & May 2024

Six Production Assistance Program films will be in theaters, on television, and streaming in April & May, including: 


BREAK THE GAME (dir. Jane M. Wagner), which premiered at Tribeca and follows a transgender teenager hell-bent on setting a new speedrunning world record in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, opened theatrically in NYC at DCTV’s Firehouse Cinema on April 5 and plays through April 11.


THE INDIGO GIRLS: IT’S ONLY LIFE AFTER ALL (dir. Alexandria Bombach) will have a special one-night-theatrical release in hundreds of theaters across the country on April 10. Don’t miss this special event. The film will be released digitally in May. More Info


TO KILL A TIGER (dir. Nisha Pahuja), which was nominated for Best Documentary Feature for the Oscars, was released globally on Netflix on March 12. The film follows Indian farmer Ranji, who takes on the fight of his life when he demands justice for his 13-year-old daughter, the victim of a brutal gang rape and challenges cultural and village norms. Watch on Netflix


INTERCEPTED (dir. Oksana Karpovych), a Ukranian film which premiered at Berlinale, will have its North American Premiere at New Directors/New Films, presented by Film at Lincoln Center and the Museum of Modern Art. Screenings will be on Friday, April 12, and Sunday, April 14. Info


FIRE TENDER (dir. Roni Jo Draper), shares the work of Margo Robbins, a Yurok grandmother and knowledge keeper, as she seeks to return fire practices to Yurok territory, and to restore the land and its people. It will broadcast on WORLD Channel Local USA on Monday, April 22.


SMILE4KIME (dir. Elena Guzman), an experimental, autoethnographic film that tells the story of how two friends transcend time, space, and even death to find hope and resilience through their struggles with mental illness, will be available to stream on Black Public Media’s AfroPoP: Digital Shorts on Monday, May 20th. More information.


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