Susann Ostigaard
Susann (born 1976) has a degree from Lillehammer and Volda University College, and has been working as a cinematographer and director since 2002.
She has made several documentaries for Norwegian television, including the film FROM DIFFERENT WORLDS which shared the award for Best Documentary (together with Margreth Olins' RAW YOUTH) at the Film Festival in Grimstad in 2005.
LIGHT FLY, FLY HIGH is her first feature-length film.
Available Title(s):

Light Fly, Fly High
A film by Susann Ostigaard, 2013, 80 min, Color
Thulasi, a young Indian woman in her twenties, is literally willing to box her way out of poverty and into a better life. A Dalit or “untouchable” born outside of caste, she rejected her place on society’s lowest rung at an early age and was forced to leave her parents’ home when only 14. Ten…
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