Sarah Blout Rosenberg  

Sarah is an educator who has dedicated the last 18 years to serving public school students in urban areas such as Oakland, New York City and Boston. When it became evident that media education was a critical missing link in the curriculum, she left teaching to go to Emerson College for a MA in Visual Media Arts. She feels strongly that children need media literacy education in order to become critical consumers, and that we must pay particular attention to young women, whose sense of self is developing within this media/mediated context. Sarah is a single mother of two, born and raised in Cambridge, Massachusetts and is currently working as a Media and Technology Specialist in schools. (7/19)

Available Title(s):

Girl Power: All Dolled Up

A film by Sarah Blout Rosenberg, 2011, 24 min, Color

This thought-provoking short film examines the notion that “girl power” has been co opted by commerce to create a feminist construct that is ultimately damaging to girls’ identity and development. In a range of diverse, revealing interviews with girls as young as seven, we witness the power of the popular media in developing brand loyalty…

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