Nadya Ali
Nadya Ali is a documentary filmmaker with a BA in environmental biology and human rights from Barnard College. Her passion is exposing truths relating to social justice, conservation, and environmental issues, as evident in her film BREAKING SILENCE, for which Nadya was the director and producer. She was inspired to make BREAKING SILENCE after knowing for several years about family members and friends who were sexually assaulted as children and she hopes the film will help inspire them, along with millions of others, to break their silence. (01/20)
Available Title(s):

Breaking Silence
A film by Nadya Ali, 2017, 40 min, Color
Three Muslim women share their stories of sexual assault—and, in a deeply personal way, they challenge the stigma that has long suppressed the voice of survivors. Throughout America, many Muslim communities persist in stigmatizing all discussion of sex-related subjects. Even though sexual assault and abuse are widespread, conversations about it are rare—and the pressure for…
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