Monica Land
Monica Land is an award-winning journalist and has been writing for local and national media outlets for more than twenty-five years. She specializes in investigative and statistical reporting, feature and enterprise articles, general news writing and historical research. As the niece of civil rights icon, Fannie Lou Hamer, Land has written numerous feature articles about Hamer, as well as an essay for the book, PIECES FROM THE PAST: VOICES OF HEROIC WOMEN IN CIVIL RIGHTS (2011) published by Joan H. Sadoff and Tasora Books. Land has also produced historical segments for Entertainment Tonight and A&E's Biography. (3/22)
Available Title(s):
Fannie Lou Hamer's America
A film by Monica Land, 2022, 60 min, Color
Fannie Lou Hamer was a leader in the civil rights movement, founder of the Freedom Democratic Party in Mississippi, and the organizer of Freedom Summer, a volunteer-based campaign launched in the summer of 1964 in order to register as many Black voters in Mississippi as possible. FANNIE LOU HAMER’S AMERICA, a documentary produced by her…
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