Gina Hara
Gina Hara is a Canadian-Hungarian filmmaker and artist with a background in art & technology, interested in the experimental aspects and transmedial forms of visual culture. She holds an MA in intermedia, an MFA in film production and had worked in different media with regard to film, video, new media, gaming and design. Her short Waning (2011) was nominated for Best Canadian Short at the Toronto International Film Festival. Her latest project Your Place or Minecraft (2016) is a machinima docu web series about game studies, available on YouTube. (9/17)
Available Title(s):

Geek Girls
A film by Gina Hara, 2017, 83 min, Color
Nerdy women - the "hidden half" of fan culture - open up about their lives in the world of conventions, video games, and other rife-with-misogyny pop culture touchstones. While geek communities have recently risen to prominence, very little attention is paid to geek women. Filmmaker Gina Hara, struggling with her own geek identity, explores the…
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