Gillian Aldrich
Gillian Aldrich is a documentary producer and journalist who has worked on social justice issues through television, radio, and print. She worked with Michael Moore on several projects, including for the Academy Award winning documentary BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE. She also worked on his television series, "The Awful Truth," his best-selling book, "Downsize This," and his documentary, THE BIG ONE. In television, she line-produced Trio’s "The Syringa Tree," a moving one woman show about growing up in South Africa under apartheid, and she worked on the Showtime documentary BROTHERHOOD OF HATE, profiling one family’s crime and a community steeped in white supremacist ideology. With Skylight Pictures, she co-produced BATTLE FOR BROAD, a documentary about the Kensington Welfare Rights Union, a renowned group of homeless activists in Philadelphia. From this experience, Gillian became an early member of the media college, a group of media professionals who assist The Poor Peoples’ Economic Human Rights Campaign and advocate media democracy. In radio, she produced the progressive daily national news show "Democracy Now!" and she wrote and produced 20TH CENTURY MAN for "This American Life." (01/20)
Available Title(s):

I Had an Abortion
A film by Gillian Aldrich, 2005, 55 min, Color
Underneath the din of politicians posturing about "life" and "choice" and beyond the shouted slogans about murder and rights, there are real stories of real women who have had abortions. Each year in the US, 1.3 million abortions occur, but the topic is still so stigmatized it’s never discussed in polite company. Powerful, poignant, and…
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