Feriel Ben Mahmoud
Feriel Ben Mahmoud specializes in books and documentaries on women’s rights in the Arab world. Previous films include: TUNISIA: YEAR ZERO, CHILDREN OF THE MOON and TUNISIA: A HISTORY OF WOMEN. Published books include: TUNISIE, UN SIÈCLE D’IMAGES (1857-1956), L’ALGÈRIE AU TEMPS DES FRANÇAIS, UN SIÈCLE D’IMAGES and VOYAGE DANS L’EMPIRE COLONIAL FRANÇAIS. (1/15)
Available Title(s):

Feminism Inshallah: A History Of Arab Feminism
A film by Feriel Ben Mahmoud, 2014, 52 min, Color
The struggle for Muslim women’s emancipation is often portrayed stereotypically as a showdown between Western and Islamic values, but Arab feminism has existed for more than a century. This groundbreaking documentary recounts Arab feminism’s largely unknown story, from its taboo-shattering birth in Egypt by feminist pioneers up through viral Internet campaigns by today’s tech-savvy young…
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