Elizabeth Tadic
Elizabeth Tadic is an international award-winning journalist and filmmaker. Over the past decade she has filmed, directed and produced a number of stories for SBS television's international program "Dateline". Her desire to explore issues that affect marginalized peoples has taken her to some of the world’s most troubled regions including Nigeria, Kenya, Pakistan and Israel’s Gaza Strip. She has won several awards for her films including a 2006 United Nations Media Peace Award and a 2007 Rory Peck - Sony Impact Award. Most recently, Elizabeth’s documentary "UMOJA: No Men Allowed" premiered at IDFA 2010 and won the Inaugural F4 Award for Outstanding New Documentary Talent at 2010 AIDC. (3/11)
Available Title(s):

Umoja No Men Allowed
A film by Elizabeth Tadic, 2010, 32 min, Color
UMOJA (Kiswahili for “unity”) tells the life-changing story of a group of impoverished tribal Samburu women in Northern Kenya who turn age-old patriarchy on its head by setting up a women-only village. Their story began in the 1990s, when several hundred women accused British soldiers from a nearby military base of rape. In keeping with…
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