Corine Huq
Corine Huq is an independent filmmaker based in New York City. Shortly after graduating from New York University’s film program at Tisch School of the Arts, she worked in various television productions in and around the city. She then concentrated on editing and directing, working on a variety of educational videos for New York University and Scholastic. She had directed two short films, one which was accepted at the New York International Film Festival in 2005. Rights & Wrongs is her first feature documentary. (3/12)
Available Title(s):

Rights & Wrongs The Story of Women in Islam
A film by Corine Huq, 2011, 135 min, Color
By returning to the roots of Islam and understanding how societies have found justification for their treatment of women within Islamic sources, this thoughtful and far reaching film is an essential resource that debunks myths about women and Islam. Renowned Muslim feminist scholars and journalists, including Asra Q. Nomani, Mona Eltahawy, Azadeh Moaveni, Dr. Amina…
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