Celine Parreñas Shimizu
Celine Parreñas Shimizu, film scholar and filmmaker, is Dean of the Division of the Arts and Distinguished Professor of Film and Media at the University of California at Santa Cruz. She wrote The Proximity of Other Skins (2020), Straitjacket Sexualities (2012), and The Hypersexuality of Race (2007) and co-edited The Feminist Porn Book (2013) and The Unwatchability of Whiteness (2018). Her new book The Movies of Racial Childhoods: Screening Self-Sovereignty in Asian / America, is forthcoming from Duke University Press. Her latest feature film The Celine Archive (2020) won several festival awards and is distributed by Women Make Movies. She received her Ph.D. in Modern Thought and Literature from Stanford University, her M.F.A. in Film Directing and Production from UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television and her B.A. in Ethnic Studies from UC Berkeley. (07/23)
Available Title(s):

80 Years Later
A film by Celine Parreñas Shimizu, 2022, 50 min, Color
Through multigenerational conversations with survivors and their descendants, 80 YEARS LATER (dir. Celine Parreñas Shimizu, THE CELINE ARCHIVE) explores the racial inheritance of Japanese American family incarceration during World War II. The film follows two cousins, Kiyo and Robert, respectively a teenager and child living in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1942 when Executive…
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The Celine Archive
A film by Celine Parreñas Shimizu, 2020, 69 min, Color
THE CELINE ARCHIVE is simultaneously an act of journalism, a journey into family and community memory and archives, a love poem, a story of grief and trauma, and a séance for the buried history of Filipino-Americans. Filmmaker and scholar Celine Parreñas Shimizu artfully weaves together her own story of grief with the story of the…
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