Catherine Ulmer
Throughout her career in television and film throughout Europe, Catherine Ulmer has focused on international politics. Her films have screened at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam and the Santiago Film Festival, among others. Past work includes MY CAREER IN THE CHURCH, DESPOBLADO, and WE WERE ALL ON THAT TRAIN, about the March 11, 2004, terrorist attack in Madrid. She is currently working on ANA NON, a fictional screenplay. (2/10)
Available Title(s):

After the Rape The Mukhtar Mai Story
A film by Catherine Ulmer, 2008, 58 min, Color
In 2002, Mukhtar Mai, a rural Pakistani woman from a remote part of the Punjab, was gang-raped by order of her tribal council as punishment for her younger brother’s alleged relationship with a woman from another clan. Instead of committing suicide or living in shame, Mukhtar spoke out, fighting for justice in the Pakistani courts—making…
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