Bushra Azzouz
Bushra Azzouz, (1954-2019), Born and raised in Mosul, Iraq and Beirut, Lebanon, Bushra Azzouz, an Arab-American filmmaker, worked with Native American women, native villages in Borneo, women in Cypress and her own family to tell stories of their homes and lives. Bushra directed …And Women Wove It in a Basket…, co-directed Women of Cypress in 2019 with Vassiliki Katrivanou and was working on a new film, A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Prison, at the time of her death in 2019. The NW Film Center, where she taught film making, is dedicated to completing this film. (02/20)
Available Title(s):
...And Woman Wove It in a Basket
A film by Bushra Azzouz, 1989, 70 min, Color
For the Klickitat Indians in Washington, basket weaving is a way of reclaiming native forms and heritage. This evocative portrayal of basket weaver Nettie Jackson Kuneki and her family explores Klickitat river culture within an investigation of documentary practice and cultural preservation. Capturing native life as experienced by a contemporary Klickitat woman, the film presents…
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