Anja Al-Erhayem
Anja Al Erhayem is a Danish filmmaker with an Iraqi father and a Danish mother. Before the US-led invasion of Iraq, in 2002, Anja travelled to Iraq with her father to make a film about his family. The film, titled BACK TO BAGHDAD, showed unique footage of everyday life in Iraq under Saddam Hussein. The film itself has won a number of international prizes and after the war started, Anja went back to make a follow-up film, Dangerous Freedom, about life just after Hussein. In 2006, Al Erhayam directed and hosted six documentary and travel shows in the Middle East. She also co-directed ENEMIES OF HAPPINESS (2006). She is also the author of "The Sun Cries Over Baghdad."
Available Title(s):

Enemies of Happiness (Vores Lykkes Fjender)
A film by Anja Al-Erhayem, 2006, 59 min, Color
"In September 2005, Afghanistan held its first parliamentary elections in 35 years. Among the candidates for 249 assembly seats was Malalai Joya, a courageous, controversial 27-year-old woman who had ignited outrage among hard-liners when she spoke out against corrupt warlords at the Grand Council of tribal elders in 2003. ENEMIES OF HAPPINESS is a revelatory…
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