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WMM release WAGING CHANGE (dir. Abby Ginzberg) will air on public media’s WORLD Channel this Labor Day.
As the world watches the Taliban seize power in Afghanistan and women’s lives come under threat, we are making our Voices of Afghan Women film collection available to watch for free through September 12, 2021.
The New York State Council on the Arts and the New York Mayor’s Office are currently offering two funding opportunities to support filmmakers and artists to spur the revitalization of New York’s creative economy.
WMM release BELLY OF THE BEAST (dir. Erika Cohn, prod. Angela Tucker) has been nominated for four News & Doc Emmy Awards! The categories include Best Documentary, Outstanding Current Affairs: Documentary, Outstanding Direction: Documentary, and Outstanding Editing: Documentary.
When BELLY OF THE BEAST director Erika Cohn first began discussing her film with Women Make Movies, she told us her primary goal was to get reparations for survivors of forced sterilizations in California's women's prisons.
WMM filmmaker Deeyah Khan (dir. WHITE RIGHT) has won a Peabody Award for her film MUSLIM IN TRUMP’S AMERICA, which investigates the rise in anti-Muslim hate groups, conspiracy theories and hate crimes during Donald Trump’s polarizing presidency.
Forthcoming WMM release AMERICA'S WAR ON ABORTION (dir. Deeyah Khan) has won a BAFTA TV 2021 award in the Current Affairs category.
On Sunday, May 16, 2021, 60 Minutes aired a segment about racial bias in facial recognition software and omitted any mention of the three Black women who are pioneers in the field, including CODED BIAS's Joy Buolamwini.
Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival took place April 29th – May 9th and WMM films and filmmakers were honored with two awards for their creative vision and boundary-pushing documentaries!