Camden International Film Festival Announces Lineup: 12 WMM Films and Filmmakers Screening and Pitching

The Camden International Film Festival (CIFF), a premier platform for showcasing cutting-edge documentary films, has just revealed its lineup, featuring 12 WMM films and filmmakers. 

Three films made with the support of WMM’s Production Assistance Program will be screening at Camden:

  • APOCALYPSE IN THE TROPICS (dir. Petra Costa)
  • MOTHER VERA (dir. Cécile Embleton and Alys Tomlinson)
  • REAS (dir. Lola Arias)

The festival also provides a platform for projects currently in development, allowing them to pitch their works to industry professionals. The following films will be pitching from the Production Assistance Program:

  • COACH EMILY (dir. Pallavi Somusetty)
  • WOMEN OF FIRE (dir. Anushka Meenakshi & Richa Bavanam)
  • THE LAST NOMADS (dir. Biljana Tutorov and Petar Glomazić)
  • PRODUCTION OF THE WORLD (dir. Brett Story)
  • NOMADS (dir. Vanessa Carr and Josh Gleason)

Additionally, films from Production Assistance Program Alum will screen:

  • UNION (dir. Brett Story)
  • FAMILIA (dir. Picho García and Gabriela Pena)
  • DAHOMEY (dir. Mati Diop)
  • CONTRACTIONS (dir. Lynne Sachs)

CIFF runs from September 14-17, 2024, in Camden, Rockport, and surrounding communities in Maine, showcasing an array of compelling stories from around the world. Don’t miss the chance to experience these films and support the filmmakers.

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