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6 WMM Films and Filmmakers Premiering at Berlinale

We’re excited to share that six WMM films and filmmakers are screening at the prestigious 74th Berlinale Film Festival! 

Three Production Assistance Program films will have world premieres: INTERCEPTED (dir. Oksana Karpovych, prod. Giacomo Nudi); A BIT OF A STRANGER (dir. Svitlana Lishchynska, prod. Anna Kapustina); and REAS (dir. Lola Arias, prod. Gema Juárez Allen). 


Also screening are DAHOMEY (ATLANTICS), a premiere of the new film by WMM program alum Mati Diop, and two Retrospective films: THE GERMANS AND THEIR MEN (dir. Helke Sander), a film from the WMM collection, and LETTER FROM MY VILLAGE, a film by late WMM filmmaker Safi Faye (SELBE).

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