We’re excited to announce that four films from the WMM Production Assistance Program and notable WMM filmmakers and alum will premiere at this year’s SXSW. The festival runs from March 7–15, 2025, in Austin, TX.
The following films were made with the support of our Production Assistance Program:
- ARREST THE MIDWIFE (Directed by Elaine Epstein, Produced by Elaine Epstein/Robin Hessman)
- THE TALLEST DWARF (Directed by Julie Wyman, filmmaker of A BOY NAMED SUE and BUOYANT, both long distributed by WMM, Produced by Lindsey Dryden, Shaleece Haas, & Jonna McKone)
- UVALDE MOM (Directed by Anayansi Prado, Produced by Ina Fichman, Anayansi Prado, & David Goldblum)
- EXODUS (Directed by Nimco Sheikhaden, Produced by Nimco Sheikhaden/Sara Chishti)
Also in the line-up are the following films from WMM Filmmakers: DEAR TOMORROW, produced by Katrine Sahlstrøm (director of WMM release FALSE CONFESSIONS; THE PERFECT NEIGHBOR, directed Geeta Gandbhir (PA Program alum and co-director, WMM release LOVE THE SINNER); FOREVER WE ARE YOUNG, directed by Grace Lee, PA Program alum and director of WMM release THE GRACE LEE PROJECT; F*CKUPS ANONYMOUS, directed by Kat Whalen, who is directing WMM-sponsored project ANOTHER LIGHT ON THE ROAD: ROBERT FRANK & JUNE LEAF’S CANADIAN HOME (in production); and SHE’S THE HE, produced by Halley Albert, who is producing WMM-sponsored project HANDS ON (in production).
We also congratulate Program alum on their new films: Mari Keiko Gonzalez, co-producer of THE MAKINGS OF CURTIS MAYFIELD; and Jessica Earnshaw (director/producer) and Holly Meehl Chapman (producer) of BABY DOE.
Last but not least, we want to shout out former staff member Karina Dandashi, whose short film BABA I’M FINE is premiering in the Narrative Short section.
Congratulations to all of our filmmakers!